Psychiatric Evaluation
You may wonder if you have ADHD, or another diagnosis that may look like ADHD? Or you may wonder if everything is ok.
A psychiatric evaluation can be useful to answer these kinds of questions for you or your child.
A psychiatric evaluation is completed on your first meeting with a psychiatrist.
The doctor will conduct a semi-structured interview that will give you free reign to talk about your history, discuss your feelings and concerns, and answer additional questions from the psychiatrist that will help clarify what issues your or your child are finding to be problematic.
By the end of a psychiatric evaluation, you will be provided with a treatment plan- possible ways to help, i.e. individual therapy, behavioral therapy, neuropsychological assessments, medication (and if so, the options would be discussed as well as risks and benefits) etc. Other interventions, i.e. participation of parent(s), teacher(s), tutoring, etc, can be discussed as well.
To make an appointment for a psychiatric evaluation, please email us at info@adhd.nyc