Family impact and parenting styles in families of children with ADHD.
Abstract: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) begins in childhood and is characterized by attention deficits, hyperactivity,...

Are there executive dysfunction subtypes within ADHD?
Abstract: Objective: Children with ADHD have heterogeneous behavioral and neuropsychological profiles. The aim of this study was to...

Diagnosis and Management of ADHD in children
Abstract: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common behavioral disorder in children, and the prevalence is...

Race/Ethnicity and Insurance Status as Factors Associated with ADHD Treatment Patterns
Abstract: Using data from the 1997–2000 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), disparities in different stages of...

Comparison of Depression and Burnout Levels of Mothers of Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactiv
Abstract: Objective: This study aimed to compare the depression and burnout levels of mothers of children having...

Evaluation of the Interplay Between Homework Motivation and Sluggish Cognitive Tempo in Youth With A
Abstract: Objective: This study evaluated which Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (SCT) factors (i.e., Slow, Sleepy, Daydreamer) are most strongly...

Do Stimulants Improve Self-Esteem in Children with ADHD and Peer Problems
Abstract: The self-esteem of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has been shown to be low. The effects of...

Unravelling Sleep Problems in Treated and Untreated Children with ADHD
Abstract: This study investigated parental perception of sleep problems in stimulant treated and untreated children with Attention...

Children with ADHD symptoms show deficits in reactive but not proactive inhibition, irrespective of
Abstract: Background: Attenuated inhibitory control is one of the most robust findings in the neuropsychology of...

Effects of Folic Acid on Appetite in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) T
Abstract: Background: The highly effective medications in treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms are...